One of dogs favorite moments is sitting next to the window as soon as they get up in the morning.
Their access should be easy, because they actually do entertain themselves watching what’s happening outside… for hours.
But why?
For dogs, looking out the window means socializing with the outside world. But when they don’t go out as much or just don’t have any contact with many people or other dogs, they tend to get overwhelmed by the amount of stimulation they’re getting from it, which leads to them barking or act wild in general.
What are the benefits of an accessible window view for your dog?
- Avoid them to feel locked
- They feel like they’re in control
- They get very entertained
- It stimulates their mind
- They don’t feel completely alone when you leave
- They love higher spots
How can you give them access if you don’t have a specially designed window for dogs? Maybe it’s just not possible because you don’t have any furniture for them to climb on top of, or windows are too high.
There are many ways you can do this. Get yourself some pieces of wood or maybe a chair near the window, so they can climb on top of it.
This is very important for them not to feel completely isolated when you leave them alone.
You can also buy small stairs made for dogs, there are many stores that sell it.
Anyway you do it, just let them have this. It’s very important for their mental health, though it might not look like it.